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Baby Department

Ages: 3 – 18 months


We follow a structured daily routine which comprises of the following

  1. Mealtime routines ( Menus are available on request)
  2. Baby massage
  3. Grasp, mobility and sensory stimulation programme
  4. Nap and play time routines

Ages: 18- 24 months and Bridging class ( 24 months until they are fully potty trained )

As they are a little older we follow a slightly more structured daily programme including

  1. Mathematics play activities
  2. Literacy play activities
  3. Gross and fine motor play activities,
  4. Art
  5. Music


We pride ourselves in the exceptional Baby Stimulation Programme that we follow. This was developed in co-operation with an occupational therapist specializing in Baby Development.

Daily report books are available to record nappy changes, feeding times, any medication to be administered as well as any notes regarding the well-being of the child.

Progress reports are done at the end of each developmental age or phase and are made available for parents to view.

Hygiene, comfort and tender care are high priorities in the service we offer to our babies and parents!

Surgical gloves and antibacterial spray are used when nappies are changed.

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